Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sicker Day

Kendall is out of commission! Poor thing has spent most of the day in bed. I knew he wasn't feeling well the minute I got up, and when I came back from shopping, he was cleaning the bathroom! That didn't last long though, and soon he was back in bed. That's pretty much where he has spent the day, except for some lunch, a movie, and now we're watching Desperate Housewives.

So today's been pretty quiet but really productive! I started off with my bowl of cereal and coffee. Then I headed out for grocery shopping, came home, and cleaned the other two bathrooms and all the floors. Then I went for a nice long walk, showered, and made my own spinach minestrone soup for lunch. I paired it with half a grilled cheese sandwich and had a juicy apple.

After working on some laundry, Kendall was up enough for a movie, so we watched "War, Inc." It's funny in parts, and I get the satire, but I think it might be better AFTER the wars are over...

Kendall had the appetite for a turkey sandwich and some Jell-O and I had some mixed nuts and homemade granola with a diet Coke. I finished up some laundry, then started in on some homework for my nutrition class. I got a lot done! I had the rest of the leftover Moroccan stew and couscous with some water and fruit juice.

Now we are both enjoying some chamomile with honey and some juicy TV.

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