Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

The day started with the usual cereal (1 C) and milk (1 C). I measured again, and found that flakes take up more space than O's, so it looks like less in the bowl!
Work went pretty smoothly. Everyone is really getting into the Halloween spirit. I think I've finally planned my costume (Yep! I'm a procrastinator... but that's not my costume). I also was able to finish up a few assignments for class. One was a family tree of health and it really reiterated that I need to take care of my heart!
I was feeling tired and sluggish, so for a snack, I had a banana (1 serv) and some low-cal hot cocoa (6 oz). It definitely helped.

Then I had a turkey (1 oz) and swiss (1 oz) and lettuce (.5 C) on whole wheat (2 serv) with some mayo (1 Tbsp).
When I got home, it was time for our neighborhood pumpkin patch. I think I picked out a beauty!

I was REALLY tired though, and Kendall suggested not cooking. So we whipped up some black bean tacos! I started with two corn tortillas (1 serv) with .5 C black beans, .25 C tomato salsa and lettuce (.5 C). I sprinkled it with about a teaspoon of shredded Cheddar. I was still hungry so I went back for another tortillas with .25 C of beans and .5 C of tomatoes plus about teaspoon of cheese. Yum!

After a nice shower and firing off my homework, I'm relaxing with some chamomile and dark chocolate and watching "Modern Family." Love that show!

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