Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Friday!

Hoorah! It's Friday! I started today out with a bowl of Cheerios and nonfat milk and black coffee. I had to run around a bit to get my gift basket ready for our silent auction at work. We are holding the auction to raise funds for grocery gift cards for some of our needier patients. Every year, it is SUCH a good feeling to raise the dough so others can have some turkey!

It was also Bosses' Day, and we chipped in for cards, cookie cake, chocolate cake, mini cupcakes, punch and chips and dip. I held off through the morning and had a tangerine for a snack instead. For lunch, a PB & strawberry J on whole wheat. I dug in to 6 tortilla chips with gobs of salsa. I blew it by eating my dessert before my apple. I had a bite of cookie cake and 4 bites of chocolate cake and was so full! I worked the apple in later in the afternoon, though.

I swung by the grocery store tonight to pick up a pizza, some beer, and a few items for our dinner tomorrow night. We're having one of our favorite people, Robin, and her two great kids over! I splurged a bit of a wedge of brie, and some crackers. I bought reduced fat Triscuits because of the fiber content. I also bought some whole-grain bread crumbs. I'm usually pretty skeptical of things like bread crumbs being healthier because the label said they are "whole grain," but I checked the labels, and it was higher in fiber, with 4 grams as opposed to 1 gram! Score!

I also splurged on some hard candy to put in our pumpkin bowl. I wanted to have a little something in the bowl when the kiddos come over.

While the pizza baked, I had a salad, then 3 slices of pizza and a light beer. Now we're going on our walk and then to relax!

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