Saturday, November 28, 2009

No Photo Day

Today's plans went hay-wire! We were going to go to Boerne and Fredericksburg today to do some Christmas shopping, but that didn't happen... We woke up and were about to go to Boerne when my mom called and told us that my Grandmother was leaving to visit other family. Since she was one of the main reasons for the visit, we decided to hold off. We instead got cleaned up, had a bowl of cereal and went to my in-law's house for some Mexican pastries and coffee. It was good to catch up. Then we headed out to look in some cute shops, but mainly just looked in art galleries.

For lunch, we had a HUGH JASS salad from Whole Foods with greens, tomatoes, shredded carrots, green beans, broccoli, bell peppers with just a touch of Caesar dressing. We also had some amazing pesto tortellini salad and fresh fruit salad. AND we had some sushi (salmon or tuna rolls with brown rice). Whew! It was really satisfying and we were FULL. I probably had about 2 C of veggies, 1/2 C tortellini salad, 1/2 C fruit and 4 sushi rolls.

Then we scooted around town looking for more gifts but no luck! We came home just int time for Dad to show up and we started on dinner. I made calzones! We each had 2/3 a calzone and some salad. Kendall and I had a beer.

Now we are relaxing!

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