Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Munch a Lunch

Yesterday afternoon got kinda crazy!  For lunch, I had some leftover while chili with crackers, some carrots, and an apple.  The apple was a bit mealy... I tried a new variety this week, Jazzy.  So far, not my favorite apple!  I have another one today, so perhaps it was that one particular apple and not the entire family

Super filling!  After work, I jetted to class, and had a sandwich of turkey, smoked provolone cheese and spinach on whole-wheat with some mayo and more carrots on the side.  It was quick, tasty and fueled me for class and lab.

Class went well... we got our tests back and even though my raw score was HORRID, my grade after the curve was so much better.  I almost died of shock.  I e-mailed Kendall pronto, something I never do from class.

Lab was LONG and tedious.  We all had to put some samples through a gas chromotography machine, and so most of lab was spent in line.  It took 2.25 hrs of waiting before I was finally done.  By the time I got home, I was getting hungry again.  I had a glass of red wine and about 1/2 C of leftover panang chicken curry with rice.

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