Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Not Making Any Promises...

Today has been very, very crazy.  Very.  But guess what?  That matters none.  Because in less than 24 hours, my BRAIN SISTER will touch down on Texas soil!  Can you tell that I am very excited?  Just to give you an idea of why I'm excited about seeing her... she e-mailed me yesterday to ask what we'd be eating as a distraction from a crazy day.  Yes.  That is why we are friends.

I have class tonight, and then will probably be making her bed up, all nice and fluffly.  And I will be cleaning relentless, er, I mean, tidying up.  A bit of dusting, you know.  Small stuff. 

And as of tomorrow, my friends, I will be AWOL from the blog for a few days.  Because I don't get to see my Brain Sister often, and so when I do see her, I savor every second.  We will be laughing and drinking margaritas.  We will be eating, and walking my dog in the sunshine.  No time to blog.  Sorry, people.  You'll have to do without me.

Will try to blog tonight, but can't make ny promises!

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