Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rarg! I am a terrible blogger!

Epic fail!  Things have been a bit busy with class and I just haven't gotten around to blogging.  I have been cooking and eating and I've started running again.  I think I posted previously about some of the apps I have on my iPhone to track my run distance and speed.  Still loving them!

It's apple season, and I couldn't be happier about it!  Neither could Kendall.  I think he's had 3 apples in the past 12 hours.  I've put our fall produce in a clear bowl on the buffet.  It makes for fun, colorful, seasonal decor.. that we can eat!  I don't have to worry about lugging it upstairs and boxing it up when the holiday decorations come out.  I've also put out some candles, but we haven't lit them yet.  We found that many of the scented candles are so smelly, you can pop off the lid and it scents the air around us without having to strike a match!  We found some great soy candles on clearance recently and stocked up.

The pups are doing well, and since the weather has cooled, we've all enjoyed lovely walks in the morning, afternoon, weekends, nights!  After sweltering heat this summer, the whole family finds any excuse to get outside and play.

School work has been going well, and it's hard to believe I am almost half-way through the semester.  It has flown by!  I have to remind myself of that when I have a difficult exam coming up.  It's almost time to schedule classes for next semester.  I am going to try to schedule my classes so that I have at least one day that I don't have to drive into campus.  Kendall and I have learned that I also need to make sure I can be home on Mondays and Wednesdays.  He works at home Tuesday and Friday, so the dogs are taken care of, but the other days... it's hard for him to get off work, etc.  This semester, Wednesday has posed the biggest problem, so I'll have to be mindful of that while scheduling courses for Spring.

Anyway, as always, I hope to post more often and hopefully will get some recipes up here soon!

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