Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It's taken a bit of time, but I'm finally able to sit down and share my resolutions for the New Year!

I didn't want to bite off more than I can chew with a challenging semester around the corner...

1. Water, water, water! Once again, I am resolving to increase my liquid intake every day. I know it's important, and when I'm drinking my water regularly, I can feel the difference! I'm happy to report that my orange water bottle is on my desk right now.

2. Run, run, run! I fell off the wagon around the holidays, but had been happy with my progress up to that point. So I'm resolving to get back into running and do it regularly. So far, no run, but I'm hoping to squeeze one in this weekend.

3. Get a calendar and use it! I used to be super organized when I had a little calendar in college. I lived by it. With work and classes and everything else in life, I feel like I could keep things straighter if I would use it. So I'm going to put that thing to use. I'm hoping the stock isn't totally cleared out and that I can find a good one at a bookstore this weekend.

4. Don't sweat the small stuff. I'm horrible at this. I can dwell and obsess over the smallest thing and turn molehills into mountains.

5. Learn to say, "no." I'm going to be too busy with work, school, the puppy, and all these other resolutions. I need to keep focused on what I really value- my family and close friends, my health and my sanity! And my grades and work performance, of course. Everything else is NOT going to make or break me.

So that's it, folks! I think 5 is a good, round number, and I can really achieve these goals.

I have a receipt or two to enter. I think we came in close to our goal, because our totals on the two grocery store trips were pretty low, and we bought some home goods (paper towels, hand soap, etc.)

Check you later!

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