Sunday, December 20, 2009

Oh, It's Sunday!

Guess what I had last night? On our way home, we grabbed some fast food. We were seriously exhausted... we didn't even want to heat up soup in a pot! I had a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a glass of red wine. We don't do it often, so I indulged. And I do declare, it was delicious.

This morning, we had crepes. The top one was too thick and came out more like a pancake. Then we got to work on cleaning the house. It needed it! We hadn't touched it on over a week.

For lunch, a bowl of chipotle pasta salad. I loaded it with veggies, black beans and a little cheese. Yum!

We went to work on the study, trying to organize all of our stuff. We looked outside and saw that it was beautiful, and decided to go play instead. We went for a walk for a walk on the hike-and-bike trail around Ladybird Lake and wandered into a few shops around downtown.
Didn't find anything, but we did grab some reinforcements from the grocery store. Then we headed home for dinner. My dad joined us so I whipped up something different...

For dinner, a nice salad and a bowl of Golden Curry! The salad was about 1 C of greens plus some tomato, avocado and a boiled egg. I added some potatoes, onions and green bell peppers to some chicken for the curry and served it over rice. I added a glass of red wine.

So hearty and warming!

Kendall wanted dessert so we had some cheesecake. Then later, Dad and I made some hot cocoa and had an Italian Christmas cookie.

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